Summer CSA|
Fall CSA|
Farm Patron Program|
Tree Fruit|
About RMF|
Farm Patron Program Features
Save on your organic produce purchases all year by participating in our Farm Patron Program. By prepaying at one of the available Patron levels, you will receive a credit, as well as the applicable discount, for that amount of produce when you pick it up at our Farm Store or -NEW for 2018- at the Canterbury Community Farmers Market.
Choose the vegetables you like
to eat from the broad selection of crops which we offer, which includes all on the list below.
Select the amount you want.
You can pick the amount of vegetables you receive according to your needs for any given day, week, and season. There is no fixed weekly portion size. Your discount is also good for all bulk quantities, except full bushel.
Pick up on your schedule.
You can get produce any time our farm store is open- Friday and Saturday, 10-6, June thru December (10-5 after Daylight Savings,) or -NEW for 2018- at the Canterbury Community Farmers Market. If you need something more, you can come back any other day, and there is no penalty for missing any given week.
Download a Farm Patron Program Application (.pdf)
Farm Patron Levels
Choose the Patron level that fits your household size, diet, and budget. By prepaying at one of the available Patron levels, you will receive a credit, as well as the applicable discount, for that amount of produce when you pick it up at our Farm Store. There is no membership fee.
$150- Save 5%
Good for individuals and seasonal residents.
$300- Save 7%
Good for an individual who stores vegetables or a couple.
$600- Save 10%
Good for a couple who are vegetarian or store vegetables or a family.
$900- Save 15%
Good for a family who are vegetarian or store vegetables.
If you find yourself eating more of our vegetables than you anticipated, or if you would like to make installment payments, you can move up to the next tier anytime by paying the difference to the next level, and begin receiving the higher discount immediately.
Produce Selection
Sweet Corn | Broccoli |
Tomatoes | Brussels Sprouts |
Peppers | Cabbage |
Potatoes | Cauliflower |
Summer Squash | Kale |
Zucchini | Lettuce |
Cucumbers | Onions |
Winter Squash | Strawberries NEW for 2017 |
Green & Wax Beans | Carrots |
Spinach | Rhubarb |
Chard | Shiitake Mushrooms |
Beets | Herbs |
Apples | Pears |
Apple Cider | Melons |
Maple Syrup | and others... |
Questions & Answers
Question: Does the amount I prepay only get me the discount indicated?
Answer: The amount a Farm Patron prepays is not a "membership fee." The customer will receive back, for example, $322.50 in produce when they prepay at the $300 level (this reflects the 7% discount.)
Question: When do I need to submit my application by?
Answer: Please submit your application with payment prior to April 1. The funds we receive from our Farm Patrons are used to pay for early season expenses incurred during the spring planting season. We will still accept applications until June 1st, but the discount you will receive will be reduced.
Question: What bulk quantities are available?
Answer: Besides consumer sizes (bunch, pint, quart,) we offer most produce by the peck, peck, bushel, and bushel. There are four quarts in a peck, and two pecks in a half bushel. However, bushel quantities are not eligible for your Farm Patron discount, as they are already priced at our best wholesale price.
Question: Will I have to pay full price after I use my full Farm Patron balance?
Answer: Your discount will continue on subsequent purchases after your balance is fully used.
happens if I dont use up my full Patron amount by the end of March?
Answer: 2018 Farm Patron funds are used to offset the costs of growing the 2018 crop, and will be good for produce harvested during this year. Unused balances will not be refunded.
Earl Tuson
5 Pittsfield Rd, Loudon Center, NH 03307
(603)435-9943 earl@redmansefarm.com
Certified Organic by NHDAMF